Press Release

International Day for Biological Diversity in Schools

Distribution of BICREF EcoMalta Documentaries DVDs to Schools, Upper secondaries and University

The Biological Conservation Research Foundation celebrates the International Day for Biological Diversity 2007 by talking with youths about the meaning of Biodiversity and the 2010 target to halt its loss, through conservation research and action. BICREF will also discuss the problems of climate and environmental change on biodiversity and the effects of all this on us.

This educational gathering was kindly hosted by St. Martin’s College with a lovely introductory speech by Ms. Bernie Mizzi, Principle. Mr Joseph C. Grioli, Vodafone Malta Foundation board member, also gave a short speech and stated that “The Vodafone Malta Foundation is driven by Vodafone’s passion for the world around us, which is about caring and commitment. The Foundation aims to make social investments that will make a difference to the world. Our support will surely lead to raising awareness about the need to care for our environment”. Dr. Adriana Vella then spoke about the various reasons why we need to consider more seriously Biodiversity in this day and age and why voluntary work to protect our natural environment should be a part of every bodies’ lives.

BICREF showed and distributed, its award winning documentaries produced with the assistance of the Ministries of Finance and Tourism, to Upper secondary education entities including: MCAST, Private, Church and State Sixth forms. A copy was forwarded to the AV Library CCT of the University of Malta for education and research purposes.

These documentaries have been aired in all three main local TV channels and in an Australian TV channel, constantly receiving excellent appraisals for the production.

This distribution of the DVDs with the six BICREF EcoMalta documentaries to these entities was possible through a sponsorship by the Vodafone Malta Foundation which has also provided a grant for the production of a new environmental documentary by BICREF.


BICREF posters in Schools and Public Places for Promotion and Awareness:

 As part of BICREF’s efforts towards promoting the International Day for Biological Diversity on the 22nd of May, it has produced three colourful and educational posters for secondary schools. This year’s theme for the day is Biodiversity and Climate Change. Too often we then to focus on life forms that we can see on land and forget the beautiful and useful life forms that fill our seas. Climate change will affect them too.

For this reason the three posters focus on our sea: its biodiversity, dolphins and BICREF’s work. These posters aim at promoting conservation values and awareness for biodiversity research and protection.

All photos were taken by BICREF’s members as part of ongoing research projects, including biodiversity around the coasts, and offshore creatures such as cetaceans and turtles. The posters’ preparation was done with the HSBC-Earthwatch research fellows’ assistance.

As BICREF is also partner of ACCOBAMS and supporter of UNEP’s International Year of the Dolphin campaign one of the posters is solely dedicated to the Common Dolphins in Maltese waters. This species is reported as endangered in the Mediterranean by the IUCN.

Through the Education Department all state and church schools are being provided with a set and invited to make use of these educational posters.