
Careers in marine conservation and maritime developments promoted at Special Marine Science Seminar for Youths


Minister Evarist Bartolo

A very successful marine science conference also offered local youths a special seminar to promote  careers related to marine conservation and maritime affairs.

The Education and Employment Minister Evarist Bartolo opened the Marine Science Seminar for Youths held in Malta for the first time on the 26th of March.  Youths from the University of Malta, MCAST, Sixth forms and beyond participated in this event and were exposed to international expertise in the field of marine science and conservation linked to the various maritime activities worldwide. The event was organized by The Biological Conservation Research Foundation (BICREF) in collaboration with the Conservation Biology Research Group of the University of Malta, and was sponsored by the Ministry for Education and Employment.

 Youths were given the opportunity to see how research relates to better management of our natural resources and heritage directly and feasibly by improving the way organization and development is undertaken. It also showed how more and more skilled scientists will be required to cover all the increasing technical demands in the marine and maritime sectors.

Experts and youths

The Marine Strategy Framework Directive, the Convention for Biological Diversity have placed 2020 as the target by which countries, including Malta, will need to be able to reach and to prove Good Environmental Status, while also evidencing the protection of marine biodiversity.


Prof. Gianni Pavan

 The Maltese Islands, right in the middle of a very busy and impacted Mediterranean Sea, should be at the centre of such integrated training and expertise.  So local youths have the advantage of being able to be involved in such training and expert research programmes related to marine conservation in Malta and Europe.  The Conservation Biology Research Group at the University of Malta also has overseas students who hail from USA and Greece to undertake post-graduate research at the University.   Malta enjoys a good reputation for conservation research, which needs to be encouraged for future generations.

Keynote speakers at this Marine Science and Conservation Seminar included Prof. Philip Hammond, Prof. Gianni Pavan, Dr. Barbara Taylor and Dr. Jay Barlow.  Dr. Adriana Vella chaired this event and also gave a short contribution prior to presenting the educational award winning documentary Waves of Life produced by the ngo BICREF.


Dr Adriana Vella and Minister Evarist Bartolo

For further information visit:

or contact  Dr. Adriana Vella Ph.D, Conservation Biology Research Group, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Malta at