ECS Conference 2015

ECS Conference 2015

BICREFThe Biological Conservation Research Foundation, BICREF, Malta is organising the 29th Conference of the European Cetacean Society from the 23rd till the 25th March 2015.  Programme will include 2 days of workshops on the 21st and 22nd March apart from the 3 days of plenary sessions. This Conference is held in association with The Conservation Biology Research Group of the University of Malta.The theme of the 2015 ECS Conference in Malta is Marine Mammal Conservation – from Local to Global. This theme would be supported by a number of keynote presentations that will look at how conservation efforts are being managed at a range of levels and the links between them. This will include consideration of local, national, regional and global conservation initiatives, as well as methods and mechanisms for addressing both short and long-term impacts. In addition to original research contributions on the usual range of topics that include, but are not limited to, health, genetics, by-catch, acoustics, abundance, distribution, ecology, breeding, behaviour, conservation, welfare, historical perspectives, we also welcome critical assessments of conservation policy. The Conference will be of relevance to conservation research and management, as well as to the effective implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, Integrated Fisheries, Blue Growth, Education, Tourism and Maritime policies, the Natura 2000, the Habitats Directive, the Agreements for the Conservation of Cetaceans and the Conventions on Migratory Species and Biodiversity.

Please click HERE for our Welcome Promo Video –  Lovely warm feel to upcoming event!

Please click HERE for our Malta Conference Promo Video – Inspiring experience!

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