Cetacean and Marine Conservation Seminars for Youths addressed by Experts.
This is a distinct event happening after the European Cetacean Society Conference in Malta and will be addressing youths. Entrance is free of charge but on reservations only. So if you are 16 years or older book your seat soon by emailing BICREF soon!
This event will be opened by the Hon Minister for Education and Employment Evarist Bartolo and Dr. Adriana Vella, conservation biologist and Senior Lecturer at the University of Malta.
Presentations by Prof. Gianni Pavan (Italy) on bio-acoustics, Prof. Philip Hammond (UK) on cetacean ecology, Dr. Barbara Taylor (USA) on conservation of endangered cetaceans and Dr. Jay Barlow (USA) on estimating abundance of cetaceans would follow.
Participants are kindly requested to register at 9.15am and seat themselves soon after in order to start on time. Thank you.
A flyer for this event may be downloaded – click on the image below. :) Join Us !