Alien Species Reporting for Conservation Science: Lionfish and any other strange species.
If you are an interested and dedicated environmentalist or simply wish to contribute toward local conservation research of our indigenous species you may wish to contact us, BICREF at or the University’s Conservation Biology Research Group, led by conservation biologist, Prof Adriana Vella:
The latter has been active in conservation research to aid measures for mitigating the many changes our natural environments are suffering. One of these includes the increasing presence of alien (non indigenous) species in both Maltese waters and in Maltese terrestrial habitats.
Examples of reports in the media and publications may be seen below:
Lionfish in Central Med and 1st reported in Maltese waters by CBRG-UM – The Malta Independent
Times of Malta report July 2016 – First report of Lionfish in Maltese water.
Malta today – New alien report – Lionfish
Example of other alien fish found in Maltese waters by the CBRG_UM reported in Times of Malta
Maltese artisanal fishing and alien species
Small aliens in Maltese waters – flatworms from far away
The above are only few of the many discoveries by the Conservation Biology Research Group, Department of Biology at the University of Malta. These discoveries are part of biodiversity conservation research work.
Fishermen and Sea users have also kindly participated by contributing any sighting information or catches of alien species for this conservation research inspired by the noble cause of aiding this fast changing marine environment which is decreasing local biodiversity. BICREF thanks all those that participate in conservation targets.
You may send in photos and information of your sightings or catches of alien species by clicking here.
Thank you!